Tiers vary by system type with three tiers available for IBM Z with purchase capacity greater than 45 MSUs, two for IBM Z with purchased capacity of 45 MSUs or less and LinuxONE, and a single tier for zPDT. For participants with more than one development system enrolled in the program, participants are assessed on the cumulative purchased MSUs for all enrolled systems. Formal tier assessments do not apply for participants who only use zPDT systems as there is only one benefit tier for zPDT, though zPDT participants are still required to certify their systems annually and are subject to annual vetting to confirm they continue to meet basic requirements for program participation.
IBM Z and LinuxONE On-premises Development Program
- An overview of the customer organization (end user) and its strategic business goals
- The business challenges faced by the company and their industry
- A succinct description of the solution, including IBM Z and LinuxONE products and service components used, implementation details, and IBM Business Partner contributions
- Highlights of the achieved or anticipated business benefits
- Peer-to-peer conversations
- Speaking engagements
- Video testimonials
- Case studies
- Thought leadership (blogs)
- Press releases
- Media interviews and briefings
- Analyst activities
- Advertising
- Client success presentations
Partners with strong relationship fitness have a company culture and values that align with IBM's, including high levels of team engagement, executive awareness and support for the IBM partnership, and the ability to deliver on commitments and quickly resolve problems through teamwork.
- Applications generating IBM Z and LinuxONE workloads (i.e. increased MSUs, MIPS, etc.)
- IP product development and revenue generation
- New client acquisition
- New workload acquisition